Support and Participation

You can support the organization in many ways.

Support the Concerns of the Association

The Financial Situation

Since 2002, Studium in Israel e. V. has been supported by the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD). As a result, the EKD provides a base funding in the annual budget of the organization and funds (since 2007)  the study director of the program by providing a pastor position within the framework of “Evangelisch in Jerusalem” (Protestant in Jerusalem).

In order to finance the annual outlay of study and language course fees, various regional churches in Germany and abroad have additionally provided financial support for students of their church for four decades.

Furthermore, donations and the membership fees of the 370 members (as of 2022) contribute to the financing of the association’s work.

Commitment in the Association

You would like to sponsor permanently or get involved in the association?

Natürlich ist Ihrem Engagement nach oben keine Grenze gesetzt

Mitglieder Jährlicher Beitrag
Studierende / Nichtverdienende (students / no income) 20€
Geringverdienende (low income) 40€
Verdienende (earners) 80€
Förderer / Förderin (sponsor) 120€
Visionär / Visionärin (visionary) 240€
Of course, there is no upper limit to your commitment.
